cold brew iced latte

How To Make Your Own Cold Brew Coffee

Summer is here which calls for some nice iced latte. I don’t know about you but I usually need another caffeine boost later in the day and since its so hot out here ( 40-45 degrees most days in UAE. Yikes!😅 ) I like to fix myself an iced latte. And this cold brew iced latte is so easy to make and SO SO delicious!

What is cold brew?

Cold brew is basically coffee grounds steeped in cold water for 12-18 hours. Its supposed to be less acidic and less bitter than the regular coffee where coffee grounds are steeped in hot water. I admit it takes long to make it but it’s so worth it. I always make a big batch (however much my tiny French press can hold) and store the extra in the refrigerator. It can last for up to 5-7 days but it usually doesn’t (excessive coffee drinkers raise your hand 🙋‍♀️) . I like to make it a few times until I have a big carafe of cold brew in the fridge ready to drink at a moments notice.

It is much smoother, richer and better tasting than regular coffee. I admit I have a sweet tooth and always add sugar to my normal coffee. But cold brew is the first time where I was able to drink it straight up without the need to add any sweetener. Of course I do add some creamer occasionally for some indulgence (who doesn’t?) but it tastes just as good without it .

Ratio of coffee to water

Lets talk ratios of water to ground coffee. This recipe makes a cold brew concentrate. That means you will have to dilute it further with additional water, ice cubes or milk. That way it never gets more diluted when you add milk to make your iced latte as the coffee itself is already concentrated and strong.

For the concentrate you will need 1 cup coffee grounds for 3 cups water . I have a smaller French press so I scale it down to 1/2 cup ground coffee to 1.5 cups water.

Step 1

Put your coffee grounds in your French press. If you don’t have a French press, DO NOT WORRY. You can totally make it any glass container like a mason jar. I like to use coarse ground coffee to make this cold brew.

Step 2

Add your water and mix the grounds which float to the top so that all the coffee grounds are wet and in contact with the water

Step 3

Here’s the hardest part. Place it in the refrigerator for 12-18 hours.

Step 4

After that long excruciating wait, strain the coffee. If you’re using a plain jar, strain it through a mesh lined with filter paper. And discard the grounds.

Step 5

Fill your glass with the cold brew concentrate ( I like to fill it 2/3 with coffee and the rest with milk and ice), add ice cubes, milk, creamer whatever you like (top it with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream when no one is looking and thank me later) and enjoy.

Store the rest of your cold brew in the fridge in an airtight container  and dream about the next day when you can have this beauty again.

You can totally heat up the cold brew to make a cup of hot coffee when needed.

Now next time you drive by Starbucks, resist the urge to buy coffee and rush home and make your own within minutes. That way you don’t break the bank and you can control how much sugar and cream you want to put in yours. It’s a win win situation really!

French press from IKEA. It’s the cheapest you can find.

Espresso coffee from IKEA

Mason Jars from Homeboxstores